What Winter Does to Your Roof

What Winter Does to Your Roof

Did you know that most roofing issues happen during the winter? Heavy snow, ice dams, and extreme temperatures can take a serious toll on your roofing materials. But that’s not all. Here’s what winter does to your roof and what you can do to avoid a mid-winter roof repair. Ice And Snow Build Up As […]

Eliminating Roof Pests

Eliminating Roof Pests

Can you hear little footsteps running along your roof? You may have roof pests living in your home. Unfortunately, pests love your dry roof as much as you do. And when they find a way in, it’s often difficult to get them out and keep them out without professional help. So if you think you […]

5 Things All First-time Homeowners Should Know About Their Roofs

5 Things All First-time Homeowners Should Know About Their Roofs

As a first-time homeowner, it is possible that you have never before been responsible for maintenance or repairs to your house. Every new homeowner is likely to encounter some unexpected expenses for repairs or renovations. Roofing repairs can be some of the most expensive and most stressful repairs for first-time homeowners. Having a good understanding […]