Sun, wind, rain and snow – they all come in direct contact with the roof and take a fair toll on it. The roof has to be strong enough to withstand everything the elements throw at it. Many homeowners can tell you all it takes is one leak or one bad storm to cause a whole mess of trouble in the rest of the house. Even if only a few drops of water sneak in, it could be a sign that big trouble is on the way. Here are eight common causes of roof damage that roofers in Ottawa often see:
1. Heavy winds and rain can blow away roof shingles, or loosen them enough to cause trouble.
2. Snow and ice can amass on the roof edges, preventing water and melted snow/ice from properly draining. The water will find somewhere to go, and could find its way into your home through a tiny hole.
3. Skylights must be measured to fit and installed with precision. Otherwise, you will experience leakage around the frame. Similarly, poor or outdated insulation is a common cause of leaking.
4. If you have a tall tree that hangs over your roof, you know how many leaves can amass during the fall months. Even if there are no trees nearby, the wind can bring leaves, twigs, and other debris to rest on your roof. These leaves and debris will prevent water from draining away properly. Instead it sits still in one place and will eventually leak through your roof.
5. Another common cause of roof damage is the chimney. Older chimneys are held together by mortar, and this substance is not very resistant to water or harsh weather. If your chimney is cracking or crumbling, this is a big problem.
6. In the heavy winter winds, tree limbs can crash down on your roof. This is especially true for dead trees or branches damaged by disease, so hire a pro to inspect the trees and cut off the dead branches to protect your roof.
7. Weather also has an indirect effect on your roof’s condition. Wind, rain, and sun can corrode your roof flashings, the metal components meant to prevent water leaks. The compound holding the flashings down can also dry out.
8. If your roof is covered by a thick layer of snow, the extra weight could be a big problem. But even if your roof is clear, constant exposure to the sun’s UV rays could dry out and your shingles and cause cracking. It’s a lose-lose situation, unfortunately, but there are solutions.
Give Roofmaster a call for all your roofing needs this winter. Whether you want to take preventative measures to extend the lifespan of your roof, if you would like to upgrade to a durable and high-performance roofing solution, or if you need emergency roofing services, Roofmaster is here to help.