5 Reasons Why Homeowners are Making the Switch to Metal Roofing

Did you know that one of the fastest-growing segments in roofing is metal? Metal roofing has become an attractive option because of its longevity, durability, and energy-efficient features. But there’s more than just these three factors that are helping it become one of the most popular materials out there today. Find out why homeowners are making the switch to metal roofing from asphalt and tile.


When you spend the money replacing a roof, you want it to last for as long as you live there.  Metal roofing can actually last as long as your home, or even longer. It has a lifespan of up to three times that of asphalt and will last well beyond 50 years with proper care and maintenance.

Energy Efficient

If you’re looking for energy-efficient roofing material, metal is your best option. Metal reflects radiant heat from the sun, minimizing the heat gain and keeping you cool during the summer. It also has exceptional insulation properties and high R-values. Different coatings can also be added to further improve the overall energy efficiency, saving you money on your electricity bills and keeping you comfortable no matter what the weather is like outside.

Durable and Resistant

One of the biggest benefits of having a metal roof is durability. It can easily withstand hail, snow, and high winds with ease. Plus, it’s more fire-resistant than most other roofing materials out there and typically has a Class A fire rating.

Range of Colours and Design

Today’s metal roofing materials are far more advanced than ever before. They now come in a wide range of colours, textures, and designs to match any home or building scheme. By switching to metal, you can greatly enhance the appeal of your home and even increase its value.


The weight of the roof can impact the structural integrity of your foundation. Compared to other roofing materials on the market, metal is lightweight and won’t put any unnecessary pressure on the roof systems and underlying support. The fact that the panels are lightweight can also help to speed up the installation process, saving you even more money without sacrificing durability or performance.

Whether you’re buying a home or simply upgrading the roofing materials, switching to a metal roof has many advantages. Don’t let the price fool you – the upfront costs can be more than other materials, but metal roofing will last longer and come with fewer maintenance costs along the way. It will also improve the value of your home and save you money on your monthly energy bills, providing you with many cost benefits. To learn more about metal roofing and to see all of the design options available, contact us at Roofmaster today.